voxtox.image module

VoxTox extenstions to Scikit-rt for Images

class voxtox.image.Image(path='', load=True, title=None, affine=None, voxel_size=(1, 1, 1), origin=(0, 0, 0), nifti_array=False, downsample=None, dtype=None, auto_timestamp=False, default_intensity=(-200, 300), log_level=None, rgb_weights=(0.299, 0.587, 0.114), rgb_rescale_slope=100, rgb_rescale_intercept=0)

Bases: Image

VoxTox-specific extensions to Scikit-rt Image class.

apply_couch_shifts(reverse=False, order=0)

Apply couch shifts.

Couch shifts - applied in the order translation, rotation - represent the transformation for mapping from guidance scan to planning scan.

Reverse shifts - applied in the order rotation, translation - represent the transformation for mapping from planning scan to guidance scan.


reverse: bool, default=False

If True, reverse couch shifts are applied.

order: int, default = 1

Order of the b-spline used in interpolating voxel intensity values.