Image registration

Installation and setup

One or more image-registration packages should be installed, as outlined in the instructions: installation and setup for image registration

The currently supported image-registration packages are:

Example registration

The example code below is intended for use inside a Jupyter notebook, in particular for the interactive image viewing. It covers the following:

  • perform a registration;

  • view registration results for qualitative evaluation;

  • transform to the space of the fixed image a structure set defined for the moving image;

  • quantitatively compare transformed structure set and structure set defined for the fixed image.

from skrt.registration import Registration, get_default_pfiles

# Specify the registration engine.
engine = "elastix"

# Create registration object.
reg = Registration(
    "rigid": get_default_pfiles("*Rigid*", engine=engine),
    "bspline": get_default_pfiles("*BSpline15*", engine=engine), 

# Perform registration.

# View initial and final images.

# Transform moving-image structures.
from skrt import StructureSet
structs_moving = StructureSet("some/location/moving_structs.dcm")
structs_fixed = StructureSet("some/location/fixed_structs.dcm")
structs_transformed = reg.transform(structs_moving)

# Obtain comparison metrics for transformed vs. fixed-image structures.
df = structs_fixed.get_comparison(structs_transformed)

Explanation of each part of the code:

  1. Import the image-registration class, and the function for locating example parameter files included in the scikit-rt package.

from skrt.registration import Registration, get_default_pfiles
  1. Create a Registration object.

reg = Registration(
    "rigid": get_default_pfiles("*Rigid*", engine=engine),
    "bspline": get_default_pfiles("*BSpline15*", engine=engine), 

The arguments to the Registration class initialisation are:

  • engine: Name of registration engine (“elastix”, “matlab”, or “niftyreg”).

  • engine_dir Path to location of registration software. Parameter not needed if environment setup for registration software performed prior to using scikit-rt.

  • fixed: Path to a directory containing the dicom files for the fixed image. Can also be a numpy array or the path to a single nifti file.

  • moving: Path to a directory containing the dicom files for the moving image. Can also be a numpy array or the path to a single nifti file.

  • pfiles: Dictionary where keys are names to be associated with registration steps, and values are paths to parameter file(s). The example uses parameter files included in the scikit-rt package.

  • outdir: Path to directory in which to save the results of the registration. The registration object can later be reloaded from this directory.

For each parameter file, a subdirectory will be created in "my_results" with the step name as specified by the associated key in the pfiles dictionary. If a registration-transform file is already found in that directory, the registration will not be rerun for that parameter file, and instead the existing transform will be used. To completely overwrite "my_results" and start from scratch, set overwrite=True when initialising the Registration class.

  1. Run the registration.


This step can also be performed automatically by setting auto=True when creating the Registration object. By default, registration steps will only be performed if there is no existing output transform in the directory for that step; to force rerunning of the registration, set force=True when running the register() function.

  1. Viewing the images A Registration object can be used to launch an interactive viewer showing either the initial or final images side-by-side. To view the initial fixed and moving images, run


To view the fixed image and transformed moving image, run:


You can also view an intermediate step by setting step to the number or name of the registration step. To view the list of steps for this registration, print reg.steps. E.g. to view the results of the first step:

  1. Transforming structure sets The transform found by the registration can be used to transform images, ROIs, and structure sets via the transform() function. Structure sets can be loaded from dicom with the StructureSet class imported from skrt:

from skrt import StructureSet
structs_moving = StructureSet("some/location/moving_structs.dcm")
structs_fixed = StructureSet("some/location/fixed_structs.dcm")

A structure set can then be transformed by running

structs_transformed = reg.transform(structs_moving)

which returns a new structure set object. This can be written to a file by running structs_transformed.write().

StructureSet objects have a built-in function to calculate comparison metrics with respect to another structure set, e.g. to compare the transformed structure set to the fixed image structure set:

df = structs_fixed.get_comparison(structs_transformed)

Here, df is a pandas DataFrame. By default, this will contain the dice scores and centroid distances for each structure in the structure sets. The desired metrics can be set via the metrics argument; see documentation for skrt.ROI.get_comparison for more details. The DataFrame is written to a .csv file by calling
