voxtox.core module

Core functions specific to analysis of VoxTox data

voxtox.core.get_couch_rotations(ds=None, group=153, element=4114, reverse=False)

Retreive couch rotations stored as DICOM private data.

Couch rotations are stored and retrieved as:

  • pitch (about x-axis), yaw (about y-axis), roll (about z-axis)

These represent the second part of the transformation (translations + rotations) for mapping from the guidance scan to the planning scan. In practice, pitch and yaw are always zero.


dspydicom.dataset.FileDataset/None, default=None

Dataset containing couch shifts stored as private data.

groupint, default=couch_shits_group

Location of the private group where couch shifts are stored.

element: int, default=rotations_element

Location of the private element, within the private group, where couch rotations are stored (default corresponds to VoxTox).

reversebool, default=False

If True, signs of couch rotations are reversed.

voxtox.core.get_couch_shifts(image=None, reverse=False)

Retreive couch shifts for a given CT guidance scan.

In VoxTox, couch shifts for an MV CT guidance scan define the adjustments applied by a radiographer after examining the scan, to match the position at planning time as closely as possible.

Couch shifts are retrieved as:

  • translations: dx, dy, dz

  • rotations: pitch (about x-axis), yaw (about y-axis), roll (about z-axis)

These represent the transformation for mapping from the guidance scan to the planning scan. In practice, pitch and yaw are always zero.


imageskrt.image.Image/None, default=None

Image object for which couch shifts are to be retrieved.

reversebool, default=False

If True, signs of couch shifts are reversed.

voxtox.core.get_couch_translations(ds=None, group=153, element=4113, reverse=False)

Retreive couch translations stored as DICOM private data.

For historical reasons, couch translations are stored as:

  • +dx, -dz, +dy

They are rearranged here as:

  • +dx, +dy, +dz

These represent the first part of the transformation (translations + rotations) for mapping from the guidance scan to the planning scan.


dspydicom.dataset.FileDataset/None, default=None

Dataset containing couch shifts stored as private data.

groupint, default=couch_shifts_group

Location of the private group where couch shifts are stored.

element: int, default=translations_element

Location of the private element, within the private group, where couch translations are stored (default corresponds to VoxTox).

reversebool, default=False

If True, signs of couch translations are reversed.

voxtox.core.unpack_couch_shifts(ds=None, group=None, element=None, n_shift=3, reverse=False)

Unpack couch shifts stored as DICOM private data.


dspydicom.dataset.FileDataset/None, default=None

Dataset containing couch shifts stored as private data.

groupint/None, default=None

Location of the private group where couch shifts are stored.

element: int/None, default=None

Location of the private element, within the private group, where couch shifts are stored.

n_shift: int, default = 3

Number of shifts stored in an element (default corresponds to VoxTox).

reversebool, default=False

If True, signs of couch shifts are reversed.